20 Years of Experience

Eexcutive Source at a glance

Executive Source is conceived and established with a strong mission to “Make a Difference” in this very demanding and active employment market, both locally as well as regionally. The thrust of our approach is mostly but NOT ONLY supplying highly skilled and culture conscious Educated Talent to our valued clients. Our expertise relies on our realistic approach, our very thorough understanding of the market demands as well as our ongoing consistent and sincere service. We are a team of seasoned professionals with relevant and extensive experience in a broad variety of business disciplines.

We are absolutely committed to finding and placing candidates into the best possible roles with companies based on their interests.

  • Job Searching

  • Talent Acquisition

  • Talent Development

  • Research & Deveolpment

Job Searching

With Executive Source, you can search thousands of jobs for your career.

Talent Aquisition

Recruiting is the most critical HR function delivering 40% more profit than any other HR function

Talent Development

Good employee training programs help you retain the right people and grow profits. Find out how Executive Source can help you create high-impact employee training.

Research & Development

Research and development, known as research and technological development, refers to innovative activities undertaken by corporations or governments in developing new services or products, or improving existing services or products.
